(photo courtesy of FOX)
Oscar nominee Taraji P. Henson checks in for a quick chat about her character Cookie Lyon on Empire, debuting Jan. 7 on FOX at 9 p.m. If you haven’t seen the trailer, here’s the SparkNotes verison: Cookie, ex-wife to music mogul Lucious Lyon (played by Terrence Howard) and mother to their three sons, was just released from prison after a 17-year bid and she’s determined to get half of his very successful record company. But Lucious isn’t having it and their sons are caught up in the messy power struggle.
Was Cookie Lyon born a bad*ss or did she get that way in prison?
There’s a certain edge, a certain hardness with girls growing up in the hood. I’m sure Cookie could fend for herself, but I’m sure she got edgier because no one came to visit and her husband divorced her while she was in there.
There’s a scene where Cookie pops of her son’s with a broom. As a mom, did you object or were you lost in that Cookie-goes-wild moment?
I’ve raised a son and they become teenagers who think they know what they’re talking about and they’ll wolf up at you. [When Cookie hits him] that’s a knee-jerk reaction right there. That’s how I was raised. You’re not going to disrespect me—as much I’ve sacrificed? I work hard and I got you set up pretty nicely. I understood that moment and the studio was scared, but white women have interviewed me and said, “Oh my God, when you beat him with a broom, that’s my favorite scene! I understood it. I have three boys. If my son ever said that to me I would beat him with a broomstick too!”
You were a fan favorite on CBS’ Person of Interest and now you’re back on TV. What do you love about the TV grind?
That check! [Laughs] No, you get to work on your craft every day… It isn’t like a movie and you’re filming for a month or three months. I’m going to be away for five months being Cookie and that’s gonna be fun. I get to experience all the different directors.
If Empire is a hit, will it help more TV shows with people of color make it to the small screen?
If it’s a hit, then there’s gonna be several more. Think about it, how many CSI’s do we have? When it’s a hit, people use the blueprint and create their own on another network. [Empire] is definitely pushing the envelope. It isn’t as safe as most shows, which I think is what’s boring about TV. That’s why TV lost its competition to cable shows. They make you think, everything doesn’t have to be neat and perfect and in a box.
Which shows do you watch?
You know what? To be quite honest, I’m doing all this pontificating about TV and I don’t even watch it! [Laughs] That’s no lie! Most times in my house it’s quiet. There’s no TV, music, nothing. I like quiet and peace and let me sit with my thoughts.
After almost 20 years in the acting biz, what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
Never stray from the love of the craft and don’t get caught up in money and awards and I didn’t get this and that. That can make you lose your fire, your passion and it becomes about something else… Whenever the business part gets to be too much, I’ll go away and do a play, just to remind myself that this is what I love and why I love it.