Taiia Smart Young

This is How to Get Your Inner Writing Critic to Shut the Eff Up

That inner writing critic is a monster.

We allow a hurtful comment that someone said to us a loooong time ago to play on loop in our heads. (Why, Sway?)

Then, we make the mistake of believing that it’s the TRUTH, our truth, and that our problem cannot be fixed. (Again, why, Sway?)

Maybe you’ve heard:

Your grammar is terrible. (Ouch!)

Your writing voice is boring. (Excuse me while I put my head in the toilet and flush.)

Your writing lacks flavor. (Hello, I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my sh*t.)

Bad grammar and boring writing can be fixed. And writing without flavor? Man, get your Sazón! Get your curry in a hurry because that can be fixed too.  

In the video below, I explore five ways to get your inner writing critic to shut the eff up. I’m being dramatic, but you get the point. It’s time to silence the voice that won’t let you be great. (Full disclosure: This video was a Facebook Live. Fast forward to the 6:36 mark for the tips.)

Here’s a preview of tip #4: Identify the problem + then fix it. What? Were you expecting rocket science? Nope. The answer is always easier than you think it is.


Which tip resonated with you the most? I’m all about #1 and #5. And yes, #5 is a shameless plug to assist in your quest for greatness  dopeness. If you’re ready to talk about your project, idea or how to get your writing life together, go ahead and book a FREE call with your girl. 




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