Taiia Smart Young

9 Ways to Fix Your Horrible Pitch

The pitch is the writer’s calling card. And if you’re new to pitching editors, then your pitch is probably trash. #sorrynotsorry 

Do you see the graphic above? I want a pitch that gets my attention in 10 seconds. So if you mention food, especially brunch, I do not need to hear much more. (Well, except for the reservation is for 1:30 p.m. at Sweet Chick.)

And I’m not saying this to be evil. I’m saying this because as an editor, I’ve seen some horrible ass pitches (too long, too short or too damn boring) from writers and publicists, and as a newbie writer, I’ve sent some bad ones too.

The upside is, the more I pitched, the better I got. It’s that simple. And, of course, someone put me on to why young T’s (why yes, I do talk in third person) pitches missed the mark, so it’s my duty as a writing coach and editor to share what I know with you. And if you want to smash your writing goals this year, perfecting the pitch is part of the plan. 

In the video below, I share 9 ways to fix your horrible pitch. Pay close attention because these tips will have you sliding into someone’s in-box and getting a response ASAP, so be ready to execute.

Tip No. 1: Do not overlook the subject line. This is a marketing strategy and there’s a whole industry that pays attention to open rates when it comes to email engagement.

A clear, catchy and specific subject line opens doors, er, email boxes. The following popped up in my email and I opened all of ’em:

  1. 31 Jumpsuits to Hack Your Winter Wardrobe
  2. Last Call #Foodies Take 30% Off Your Next Brunch
  3. Starting in 15 Minutes—FREE Business Coaching

If you are like me, you aren’t going to miss free business coaching, a discounted turkey bacon (uh, they had me at brunch) or a chance to rock the hell out of a jumpsuit in 30-degree weather.

Fashionable, full and smart? Yep, that’s me.


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