Taiia Smart Young

Find Your Writing Niche Because: Your Work Ain’t For Everybody

What’s a writing niche? It’s that part of the sweet potato pie that belongs to you and only you because you are super dope at said thing. It doesn’t matter that five other people write about the same topic.

You know how Verizon, AT&T and Sprint operate in the same universe and they brag about being the best even though they provide the SAME service? Yeah, well this the same concept.

The niche writer is an expert or a specialist, in one or more topics. While the generalist writer, well, isn’t.
A wise person put it this way, if you have a choice between two dentists and they both have the same experience, but one is a specialist, say an endodontist who does 20-25 root canals in a week, while the generalist dentist does maybe two to three per week, which one are you going to choose?

If you said podiatrist, I suggest you go back to anatomy. Jokes aside, you are going to choose the endodontist, right?

You may think this is too specific, but there are riches in the niches because what happens is this: you become the go-to writer for the assignments about entertainment, tech, real estate, beauty, style or parenting because editors know you’ll stay current on all matters related to your writing niche. Translation: you don’t have to send your editor endless pitches about the latest trend in reality TV dating shows. 

Check out this video for three ways to figure out your writing niche, plus a word from me about getting paid for your worth. Oh, and if you’re wondering if you should write for free, check out this blog post.

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