Taiia Smart Young

Dope Documentaries By NYC Youth

filmclapboardIf you missed the premiere of DCTV’s (Downtown Community Television Center) “Our Cameras, Our Stories,” like I did, there’s still time to catch more of these short, heartfelt documentaries on PBS (WNET13).

It’s the first series that’s 100 percent created, conceived and executed by youth.

Translation: DCTV is airing dope documentaries by NYC youth.

Yup, you read that right.


Imagine 21 films by some of New York City brightest storytellers, covering personal issues, like gun violence, homelessness, illness, pregnancy and the challenges of growing up with a parent who’s locked up.

Jasmine Barclay’s film, When Life Hands You Lemons addressed this topic, and The White House recognized her as a Champion of Change for her moving work. This initiative salutes everyday people for extraordinary work in their community.

Want to know more about DCTV and learn how to edit your movie?

Visit: dctvny.org.

Check out the “Our Cameras, Our Stories” trailer. Will you watch?

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